The Parish Pump Community Magazine – 2021

In The Parish Pump by Town Council

The Parish Pump is your local community magazine covering exciting updates from 7 local parishes. It features events, news, interesting articles, local contact details and local businesses to support! Click on the links below for each months copy in PDF format for 2021 No Pump in January Parish Pump February Parish Pump March Parish Pump April Parish Pump May Parish …

Death of HRH Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh

In News by Town Council

  Hatherleigh Town Council would like to express its sincere condolences to Her Majesty the Queen and the Royal family on the death of HRH Prince Philip. The Buckingham Palace website provides a link to the national online Book of Condolence –

Regular Rail Service Announced for Okehampton Station

In News by Town Council

  Fantastic news is received this week for the commencement of a regular passenger service between Okehampton and Exeter by the end of the year. Read the links below for news articles and the link to OkeRail, the campaign group who instigated the conversation and kept the dialogue on track!

Council Tax Increases 2021

In News by Town Council

Council tax increases have now been announced. This reflects percentage increases for services provided by Devon County Council, West Devon Borough Council, the Fire Authority, and the Police and Crime Commissioner. Hatherleigh Town Council have not increased their precept this year. To read the full statement announced by WDBC click the link below. How Much Council Tax West Devon

Covid Winter Grant Scheme

In News by Town Council

Citizens Advice Devon are working on behalf of Devon County Council to distribute this fund to Devon residents in need. It will be prioritised for those for whom a payment will help mitigate the risk of self-disconnection and can include working families, single-household families, older people – anyone who is in need of fuel support so long as they are …

National Lockdown 2021 – Stay at Home

In News by Town Council

Click on the links below for more information Government Guidelines Business Support Grants Community Support Hatherleigh Covid-19 Volunteers Support Group continues to offer support and help to the vulnerable members of this community. If you wish to volunteer or seek help their contact details are:WDBC Cllr. Clare Kemp 07563 154 245 / 01837 811 784 OR Cllr. Patrick Kimber 01837 …

Brief Notes 2021

In Notes by Town Council

Informal Notes from Council Meetings. Different from the minutes, which are written by the Town Clerk and a legal record on the formal business of the Council, these informal notes are written by an individual Councillor to give a brief summary of what was discussed. We make these available shortly after our meetings. These notes are also published in the …