Hatherleigh Market – Outline Planning

In Market by Town Council

As you may already be aware the consultants for the Market have now submitted their outline planning application to West Devon Borough Council. We have put some of the relevant pages of the application up in the lobby of the Community Centre and arranged for it to be open for longer hours so that people can go in and view …

Community Plan

In Local Plans by Town Council

The adopted copy is available below. West Devon Borough Council have a meeting at the end of June where the committee with review it and will hopefully also adopt it. If you want any further information about the plan please contact any of Hatherleigh Town Council councillors or ask in the comments field below. Adopted Community Plan – click here

Flood Information

In News by Town CouncilLeave a Comment

West Devon Borough Council have forwarded on the attached advice from the Environment Agency. They have also offered the council some sand bags along with a supply of sand to fill them. Please can you let one of the councillors know if you need some or respond via the comment field below. Please be aware though that they will need …

Community Plan – here it is!

In Local Plans by Town CouncilLeave a Comment

The draft Community Plan for Hatherleigh is now published and we are asking for your views on it. Over the last year, the Hatherleigh Plan-It Group (Town Councillors and volunteers from the local community) have been working hard on a community planning project which has brought together views from local residents and businesses about planning and development in the town. …

Community Awards

In News by Town CouncilLeave a Comment

The Community Awards are your chance to nominate people in the town who have contributed to the community – whether that it is through helping, promoting the town or in some other way that is a benefit to the town. The Community Awards evening will be on Friday 5th October in the Community Centre (7:30pm for 8pm start) where we …

Plan-It Survey

In Local Plans by Town CouncilLeave a Comment

Are you interested in helping to shape the Hatherleigh of the future?   Hatherleigh Town Council, West Devon Borough Council and the Hatherleigh Plan-It Group (volunteers from the local community) are working together to give the community a lead role in planning for its future. The Hatherleigh Plan-It Project will look at what the priorities of the local community are …