Save Our Beds at Okehampton Hospital – Future Care Consultation

In News by Town Council

The NEW Devon Clinical Commissioning Group are proposing to cut the number of in-patients beds at community hospitals across Devon to focus on giving more care in people’s homes. They are running a 13 week ‘Future Care’ consultation to find the best areas for community hospital beds. Initially only four options were presented for retaining community hospital beds at Tiverton, Seaton, …

Appeal for Volunteers – Road Warden, Snow Warden, Community Help Schemes

In News by Town Council

COMMUNITY SELF – HELP SCHEMES As we are all aware Central Government have cut funding to Local Authorities and so Devon County Council and West Devon Borough Council have no option but to reduce its maintenance service we have all been accustomed to. And as residents we are all aware of the growing problem of increasing pot holes and weeds, …

Hatherleigh Primary School Litter Picking Day

In News by Town Council

Year 4 school children have been learning about how to care for the environment and as part of this they each sent a letter to the Town Council asking to borrow equipment to help them carry out a litter pick through town. As we don’t have any equipment to borrow we instead gave them a cheque to help pay for …

Bus Shelter Makeover

In News by Town Council

The bus shelter in the centre of town has been redecorated, it was last done 10 years ago by the youth group Seize the Moment and was now looking a bit tired. A huge thank you goes to the staff at the Co-operative store for donning their overalls and to RGB for donating the paint and equipment.   

Brief Notes 2016

In Meetings, Notes by Town Council

Informal Notes from Council Meetings. Different from the minutes, which are written by the Town Clerk and a legal record on the formal business of the Council, these informal notes are written by an individual Councillor to give a brief summary of what was discussed. We make these available shortly after our meetings.  These notes are also published in the …

Sunday Rover Train Service

In News by Town Council

              Hatherleigh Town Council is very supportive of the Okehampton Rail Service Initiative which is seeking the reintroduction of a passenger train service for weekdays from Okehampton to Exeter, therefore linking into the rest of the train line network. For many years there has been a Sunday Rover service operating through the summer months …

Joint Local Plan Consultation Process

In Joint Local Plan, News by Town Council

Plymouth City Council (PCC), South Hams District Council (SHDC) and West Devon Borough Council (WDBC) have decided to work together to produce a single Local Plan covering their areas – a Joint Local Plan.  This Plan will set out where potential development could take place and how the area will change through to 2034. The Plymouth and South West Devon …