Future of Hatherleigh Market – 2nd working group meeting

In Market, News by Town Council

Hatherleigh Town Council have formed a working group to look in detail at the market development and provide a platform for investigation and discussion. The group currently consists of  Town Councillors, our District Councillor, Ruby Country representative , market traders, and auctioneers. A second meeting took place on the 27th February 2018 with a director from Kingswood Homes to discuss transitional arrangements and to hear how …

Great Western Rail consultation – Hatherleigh responds in support of Okehampton efforts

In News by Town Council

The Department for Transport is currently running a consultation on the future services across the Great Western Rail network. They are seeking the views from passengers, businesses and communities on how the service can be improved and what should be its future priorities. Members of the OkeRail campaign group and Okehampton Town Council have put together responses to which they have …

New Market Manager Needed!

In Market by Town Council

The cessation of trading for Vicks Market auctioneers at the end of February and their role as manager for the Tuesday produce market at the end of March will mean a new Tuesday market manager has to be found. Although there is still much to be worked through on the exact logistics for market stall trading once the market area …

Fund Raising Events: Air Ambulance Night Landing Site

In News by Town Council

As work goes on behind the scenes to progress on the logistics and administration of bringing Hatherleigh’s air ambulance night landing site, we have very welcome news that resident Mrs Caroline Munn is to lead a community fundraising campaign to help support this initiative. If you wish to support these efforts then here are some dates for your diary: February …

OkeRail Coffee Morning

In News by Town Council

Tuesday morning in Old Schools on 30th January 2018. OkeRail (the group formed to campaign for the re-introduction of a regular passenger rail service from Okehampton to Exeter) are holding a Coffee Morning in Hatherleigh on Tuesday 30th January 2018. There will be the usual refreshments, assortment of cakes and goodies, and a raffle. Please show support for a group …

Brief Notes 2018

In Meetings, Notes by Pynto

Informal Notes from Council Meetings. Different from the minutes, which are written by the Town Clerk and a legal record on the formal business of the Council, these informal notes are written by an individual Councillor to give a brief summary of what was discussed. We make these available shortly after our meetings. These notes are also published in the …

Notice of Councillor Vacancy

In News by Town Council

Hatherleigh Town Council Notice of Vacancy A vacancy has occurred on Hatherleigh Town Council caused by the resignation of Keith Kingstone. A by-election to fill the vacancy will be held if within fourteen days of the date of this notice (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Years Day and Bank holidays) ten electors from the Parish give notice in …

Christmas Celebrations 2017

In News by Town Council

CHRISTMAS CELEBRATIONS: Monday December 4th is late night shopping and at 7.30pm the Christmas lights and tree will be switched on by the Carnival Queen! Hatherleigh Silver Band will be playing and rumour is that Santa will make an appearance in Old Schools! On Christmas Eve, join us in the Square at 7pm as we host the Carol Service accompanied …