On Tuesday 23rd April West Devon Borough Council planning meeting reached a decision to approve Kingswood Homes proposal for the market site, subject to a number of conditions including the signing of the Section 106 terms agreement. The officers report and decision notice will not yet appear on WDBC planning portal until this agreement is signed but if you would …
Hatherleigh’s Annual Parish Meeting
Tuesday 14th May 6.30pm Hatherleigh Community Centre This is an open meeting to come and share your views with Councillors. Please see AGENDA here
Notice of European Election
Information for those wanting to apply to stand in the European elections Notice of Election for South West electoral region
Local Elections – Notice of Uncontested Election
See below for Hatherleigh’s Notice of Uncontested Election. This means the persons indicated on the form have been elected due to insufficient nominations being received for an election poll to take place. Hatherleigh Town Council holds seats for 10 councillors. Therefore there are 3 vacancies remaining. These can be filled by co-option after May 2nd 2019. Please contact the Town …
Notice of Elections
Click this link – Election of Borough Councillors Notice Click this link – Election of Parish Councillors Notice
Agendas & Minutes of Hatherleigh Town Council Meetings – 2019
Unless otherwise stated, all meetings of Hatherleigh Town Council are held on the second Tuesday of the month at 7pm at Hatherleigh Community Centre. There are likely to be some meetings where we have to change the date – these will be noted in the previous months minutes. The agendas and minutes of the meetings to date in 2019 can be …
Interested in becoming a Town Councillor?
Local elections are happening on May 2nd 2019. Some current Councillors are not standing again and we will have vacancies. If you would like a nomination pack please contact West Devon Borough Council or our clerk whose contact details are found on any agenda. The deadline to submit nomination papers is Wednesday 3rd April at 4pm. There will still be …
Hatherleigh Market – HTC response to revised planning proposal – 7/3/2019
Dear Sirs re: planning app no 1794/18/FUL revised plans/description redevelopment of former Hatherleigh cattle market comprising 102 residential units, fur and feathers auction facility/pavilion, A1 A2 A3 commercial units , market square, associated infrastructure and energy compounds, pumping station and car parking Hatherleigh Town Council considered the above application at their meeting held on the 5th instant. 4 Councillors supported …
Revised Application for the Market Site Submitted
Kingswood Homes have now submitted a revised application for the market site. To view this follow this link http://apps.westdevon.gov.uk/PlanningSearchMVC/Home/Details/181794Hatherleigh Town Council are holding a planning meeting to discuss this on 5th March in the Community Centre at 7pm (see Agendas for more details).West Devon Borough Council are requesting responses to this application to be in by 18th of March 2019. If you …
Brief Notes 2019
Informal Notes from Council Meetings. Different from the minutes, which are written by the Town Clerk and a legal record on the formal business of the Council, these informal notes are written by an individual Councillor to give a brief summary of what was discussed. We make these available shortly after our meetings. These notes are also published in the …