Interested in becoming a Town Councillor?

In News by Town Council

Local elections are happening on May 2nd 2019. Some current Councillors are not standing again and we will have vacancies. If you would like a nomination pack please contact West Devon Borough Council or our clerk whose contact details are found on any agenda. The deadline to submit nomination papers is Wednesday 3rd April at 4pm. There will still be …

Hatherleigh Market – HTC response to revised planning proposal – 7/3/2019

In Market by Town Council

Dear Sirs re: planning app no 1794/18/FUL revised plans/description redevelopment of former Hatherleigh cattle market comprising 102 residential units, fur and feathers auction facility/pavilion, A1 A2 A3 commercial units , market square, associated infrastructure and energy compounds, pumping station and car parking Hatherleigh Town Council considered the above application at their meeting held on the 5th instant. 4 Councillors supported …

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Revised Application for the Market Site Submitted

In Market by Town Council

Kingswood Homes have now submitted a revised application for the market site. To view this follow this link Town Council are holding a planning meeting to discuss this on 5th March in the Community Centre at 7pm (see Agendas for more details).West Devon Borough Council are requesting responses to this application to be in by 18th of March 2019. If you …

Brief Notes 2019

In Meetings, Notes by Town Council

Informal Notes from Council Meetings. Different from the minutes, which are written by the Town Clerk and a legal record on the formal business of the Council, these informal notes are written by an individual Councillor to give a brief summary of what was discussed. We make these available shortly after our meetings. These notes are also published in the …

Hatherleigh Community Well-being Event

In News by Town Council

Community Well-being event  at the Community Centre in Hatherleigh Friday 25 January 2019         An afternoon event from 3 – 6 pm West Devon CVS in conjunction with Wiser Money’s Transitions Project invites you to their Community Wellbeing event at the Community Centre in Hatherleigh from 3 pm until 6 pm on Friday 25 January 2019. This event will …

Beaford Arts Project Asks – What’s so special about Hatherleigh?

In News by Town Council

  Get involved and record your memories of Hatherleigh for future generations! Beaford Arts Archive Oral History Project now has a commenting function on their new website and they’re really keen for as many people as possible to join in the conversation and respond to the question ‘what’s special about Hatherleigh?’ Follow the link here to their website for more information …

Notice to Potboilers: Hatherleigh Moor Management Committee AGM

In News by Town Council

  HATHERLEIGH POTBOILERS The Annual General Meeting of The Hatherleigh Moor Management Committee will be held on Wednesday November 28th 2018, in The Old Schools, at 7.30 pm.  Potboilers are invited to attend from 7.00 pm when  a Revised Version of the Constitution and Rules of The Hatherleigh Moor Potboilers will be made available, together with other Annual Documentation.

Hatherleigh Market – Revised Response to Planning Application

In Market by Town Council

  Following a meeting with Kingswood Homes on the 23/08/2018 Hatherleigh Town Council reviewed the situation and some wished to resubmit a revised submission because earlier concerns had been explained and clarified. See the comments here  HTC – revised decision