Corona Virus Information
If you have concerns because you are elderly, have disabilities or vulnerable in some way and are worried you may need help with accessing food/medicine supplies in the coming weeks and you have no close friends or neighbours to confide in then please contact our Town Clerk and we will help where we can.
Clerk: Mrs.R.A.Lock, Cleave Farm, Dolton, Winkleigh, EX19 8QT
Tel: 01805 804254 email:
Please be cautious with your personal information and remember unscrupulous people will seek to benefit from this crisis situation. Only share personal information with people you trust.
For information on a range of topics visit West Devon Borough Council website for advice and support on:
Guidance for Business
Health Advice
Stay at Home
Social Distancing
National Emergency Trust
Visit Devon County Council for further advice on:
Schools and Families
A range of links to specific UK Government webpages
NHS website for symptoms and how to stop the spread
Local Help
West Devon Borough Councillor Clare Kemp is co-ordinating a local register whereby people can offer to volunteer to help or request assistance with collection of food/medicine supplies.
Below are the leaflets if you would like to print off or contact her using the details on the form. Also below are a couple of other information posters to help remind yourself or others of contamination risks.