Composting Roadshow comes to Hatherleigh

In News by Town Council

West Devon residents are being encouraged to try their hand at composting this month with the launch of a home composting roadshow.

The series of roadshow events are set to promote and encourage residents to start composting, one of the inexpensive and easy options available to residents to dispose of their kitchen and garden waste.

At each event, West Devon Borough Council’s recycling team will be on hand to offer green-fingered households discounted composters, advice, and tips on how easy it is to start composting food and green waste, such as leaves, grass and clippings from their own gardens.

Home composting will turn most kitchen and garden waste into a free supply of compost which will keep residents’ gardens constantly blooming.

Compost will improve all kinds of soil and can be used almost anywhere in the garden, for example, as lawn feed or to top-up tubs, beds and baskets. It’s rich in nutrients and a great way to help gardens grow naturally.

Anyone interesting in finding out more about composting options, can visit the following sessions:

Bridge Street Car Park – Hatherleigh on 16 May 2017

Bedford Square – Tavistock on 18 May 2017

Market Street Car Park (Waitrose) – Okehampton on 25 May 2017

Jane Savage, commissioning manager for waste, said: “Composting is a fantastic way to recycle food and garden waste, it’s inexpensive and easy to do. Anyone visiting one of the roadshows will be able to get advice on how to compost, and anyone buying a subsidised composting bin will receive a free composting book.

“As an added benefit, you also get a rich fertiliser for your garden, which means you don’t need to buy expensive composts or fertilisers.

“Over 23% of what is put in household refuse bins in West Devon is made up of organic waste that could be home composted, including vegetable peelings, tea bags, and fruit which is past its best. Everyone can do their bit to reduce the amount of green waste being disposed of, and home composting is a great way of achieving this.”

Find out more about home composting at