Agendas & Minutes of Hatherleigh Town Council Meetings – 2018

In Agendas & Minutes, Meetings, Minutes by Pynto

Unless otherwise stated, all meetings of Hatherleigh Town Council are held on the second Tuesday of the month at 7pm at Hatherleigh Community Centre.   There are likely to be some meetings where we have to change the date – these will be noted in the previous months minutes.

The agendas and minutes of the meetings to date in 2018 can be found here. Click on the appropriate month to download the minutes. The agenda and minutes can also be viewed on the Council notice board in the area at the bottom of High Street (Millennium Corner).

Please note that previous minutes of meetings are made available during the week before the following scheduled meeting.

Agendas                                                                                  Minutes

January Agenda 2018                                                      January Minutes 2018

February agenda (revised date)                                    February minutes 2018 (final) (Meeting notes attachment – ref min.335(b))

March agenda 2018                                                        March minutes 2018

April agenda 2018                                                          April minutes 2018

Annual Parish Meeting agenda                             Annual parish minutes 2018  2018 HTC chair report

May AGM agenda 2018                                               May AGM minutes 2018

June agenda 2018                                                         June minutes 2018

July agenda 2018                                                         Minutes 10th July 2018

Additional meeting Agenda for July HTC planning meeting 23rd July 2018
                                                              Minutes planning meeting 23rd July 2018

September Agenda 2018                                           September minutes 2018  

October agenda 2018                                                 October Mins 2018

November agenda 2018                                           Nov/Dec minutes 2018

**Please note due to exceptional circumstances there was only one council meeting covering the months of November and December.  The merged meeting date was November 27th


                                     Nov/Dec minutes