Community Plan – here it is!

In Local Plans by Town CouncilLeave a Comment

The draft Community Plan for Hatherleigh is now published and we are asking for your views on it.

Over the last year, the Hatherleigh Plan-It Group (Town Councillors and volunteers from the local community) have been working hard on a community planning project which has brought together views from local residents and businesses about planning and development in the town.

The publication of the plan marks a 2nd Consultation phase of the project and a 6-week feedback period now follows, beginning Thursday 4th October and ending on 15th November. The group welcomes your comments and would like to stress the community responses can still at this stage influence the final content of the plan.

Paper copies are available to borrow at Hatherleigh Community Centre, Old Schools, the Post Office and the Paper Shop. Here you will also find paper feedback forms and the boxes to post your comments.

There will also be the opportunity to come and talk to members of the Plan-it group at feedback sessions, at Hatherleigh Community Centre, Saturday 27th October, and Old Schools on 3rd November, both run between 10am – 1pm.

There is a summary document which gives you some of the basic points but please read the full plan and provide feedback on that so that you get a clear picture.

Hatherleigh Community Plan – Final

Please either print off this feedback form, complete and hand in at one of the sites mentioned above or use the ‘leave a reply’ box below to add your comments.

Feedback Form               Compilation of Community responses  –  Community Plan feedback form inc responses

Compilation of Plan-it Event comments – Plan-it Event Comments

Summary Leaflet


Thank you for your time


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