Beating of the Bounds – A Splendid Day!

In News by Town Council

Read below for a personal account of the day by our Councillor Paul Bolland on his very first boundary beat…… Beating the Bounds Walk, 30th August 2021: Every seven years, Hatherleigh Town Council and The Moor Management Committee invite the townspeople of Hatherleigh to join in with the ancient tradition of ‘The Beating the Bounds’.   This involves stout-hearted folk …

Hatherleigh Moor Management Committee AGM 16/09/2021

In News by Town Council

NOTICE TO POTBOILERS The Annual General Meeting of the Hatherleigh Moor Management Committee will be held on Thursday September 16th 2021 in The Parish Church at 7.00 for 7.30 pm. Any Potboiler wishing to have any matter relating to the running or management of “the committee’ or any other issue relevant to the Potboilers, is required to give written notice …

Beating the Bounds Walk 30th August 2021

In News by Town Council

Beating the Borough Bounds of Hatherleigh 2021 The Seven Yearly Cycle of Beating the Borough Bounds will take place this year on Monday August 30th the occasion of the August Bank Holiday. Walkers are invited to gather at Hole Court from 10.30 a.m. to leave at This entails a walk of approximately seven and a half miles, often over …

Chris the Caretaker

In News by Town Council

  Since the Town Council created a new position for a Street Caretaker, Chris has been doing a fine job of keeping our town tidy and taking on small maintenance jobs. Here he is with a new machine tackling weeds on the pavement around the roundabout. If there are any public areas around town that you think need attention then …

Death of HRH Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh

In News by Town Council

  Hatherleigh Town Council would like to express its sincere condolences to Her Majesty the Queen and the Royal family on the death of HRH Prince Philip. The Buckingham Palace website provides a link to the national online Book of Condolence –

Regular Rail Service Announced for Okehampton Station

In News by Town Council

  Fantastic news is received this week for the commencement of a regular passenger service between Okehampton and Exeter by the end of the year. Read the links below for news articles and the link to OkeRail, the campaign group who instigated the conversation and kept the dialogue on track!