Notice of Conclusion of Audit for Accounts Ending March 2023

In News by Town Council

The audit of accounts for Hatherleigh Town Council for the year ended 31 March 2023 has been completed and the accounts have been published. Please see the below link for the full notice of conclusion of audit, together with the annual governance statement, accounting statements, and external auditor’s report and certificate for 2022/2023. Hatherleigh Town Council – Annual Governance & …

Town Councillor Vacancy – September 2023

In News by Town Council

HATHERLEIGH TOWN COUNCIL – NOTICE OF VACANCY September 2023 There are is one vacancy on Hatherleigh Town Council. Please see the below link for more information. Cooption Notice – September 2023

Town Councillor Vacancy

In News by Town Council

HATHERLEIGH TOWN COUNCIL NOTICE OF VACANCY   There are is one vacancy on Hatherleigh Town Council. Please see attachment for more information. Town Councillor Vacancy 2023 2023 JUNE COOPTION NOTICE

Notice of Uncontested Election and Notice of Poll for Persons Nominated for the Borough

In News by Town Council

  Notices of Uncontested Election and the Notice of Poll for Persons Nominated for the Borough See below notice of Uncontested Election for Hatherleigh Town Council therefore a poll does not have to take place. Notice shows persons standing on the Town Council in May. We will have two vacant seats which can be filled by co-option. Notice of Poll …

Local Elections 4th May – Notices of Election

In News by Town Council

  Local elections for your Town and Borough seats are taking place on Thursday, 4 May 2023. If you are interested in becoming a councillor copy/paste this link into your search browser for information Town/Parish Council Notice pdf Borough Council Notice pdf  

Become a Councillor – Voting in Elections

In News by Town Council

  This May 2023 local District and Parish elections are taking place. If you’re interested in standing as a Councillor follow the link below. Remember to vote in any election you now need to show personal identification.

APPEAL FOR INTEREST – Speed Watch & Neighbourhood Planning

In News by Town Council

APPEAL FOR INTEREST Hatherleigh Town Council are investigating the idea of supporting two new working groups: SPEED WATCH GROUP Speed Watch involves members of the local community, and aims to engage and educate drivers with police support NEIGHBOURHOOD PLANNING GROUP A strategy with legal planning weight to help communities shape the future development of their town. These groups would have …

Town Carpark Subsidy to End on Market Day

In News by Town Council

TUESDAY MARKET CAR PARK CHANGES CESSATION OF FREE PARKING ON MARKET DAY The town car park will no longer offer free parking on Tuesday Market Day Tuesday March 28th will be the LAST free parking PARKING CHARGES BEGIN AGAIN ON MARKET DAY IN APRIL

Hatherleigh Town Council Precept Rise 2023/24

In News by Town Council

Hatherleigh Town Council has had to make the difficult decision to raise the precept this year after 3 years of keeping it the same level of £25,000. We are fully aware this won’t be a popular decision in the current financial climate but your Town Council is in the same position of facing rising costs for the services it provides. …