Hatherleigh Moor Management Committee AGM 24/11/2022

In News by Town Council

  NOTICE TO POTBOILERS The Annual General Meeting of the Hatherleigh Moor Management Committee will be held on Thursday November 24 th 2022 in The Parish Church at 7.00 for 7.30 pm. Any Potboiler wishing to have any matter relating to the running or management of ‘the committee’ or any other issue relevant to the Potboilers, is required to give …

Cost of Living Crisis – Help Links and Warm Spaces

In News by Town Council

  Members of the community have come together in response to rising energy costs to offer a warm and friendly space to those who may be in need. Initially two days are planned to assess the level of need and gather ideas. If you feel you’re in need or may be able to offer support then join in one of …

D&S Fire and Rescue Service Survey

In News by Town Council

  Devon & Somerset Fire and Rescue Service have a consultation running until November 30th They are asking communities and businesses about the level of precept (council tax contribution) for the fire and rescue service and would like to hear from as many people as possible across Devon and Somerset to better understand residents’ views. Click here for Online Survey

Hatherleigh Traffic Plan Priority List

In News by Town Council

  Over the past 18 months residents have expressed fresh concerns about speeding traffic, inconsiderate parking for other road users and pedestrians, and other traffic related issues around town. In response to this Town Councillors have been compiling a list of issues and a meeting took place with Devon County Council Highways in July 2022. The outcome of the meeting …